About Baxnaano (Shock Responsive Safety Net)
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Baxnaano For All
Baxnaano is Somalia’s first government-owned and led social protection program, marking a critical step towards establishing a national social protection system. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is the main government institution responsible for creating a strong framework for more jobs, promoting social inclusion and maintaining stable social security systems by ensuring a shock responsive safety net. By fulfilling this mandate, the Ministry has developed the Social Protection Policy, and it was approved by the Cabinet in September 2019. This policy will contribute to the current Social Development Roadmap and National Development Plan 9.
Our Vision
The government envisions Baxnaano as a National Social Protection Platform designed to introduce comprehensive interventions that support human capital accumulation and labor market outcomes. The focus is on addressing the most severe needs, gradually expanding into a diversified and inclusive social protection program.
Our Goal
The Social Protection Policy is oriented toward an ambitious long-term vision, from a perspective of 20 years. By 2040, Somalia will have progressively established a functional social protection system which delivers predictable assistance through the lifecycle, according to a consensus across Somali society identifying the most vulnerable.
Vulnerability in Somalia is multidimensional and poor households are more likely to be deprived beyond monetary poverty, including literacy and education attainment, labour force participation, access to quality housing and improved water and sanitation. For example, nearly half of the population does not reach the average consumption of food items, confirming the dire living standards of most Somalis. Thus, in addition to seven in ten people being below the poverty line, a further one in ten people are vulnerable to falling below the poverty line during a shock. In this context, the Shock Responsive Safety Net for Human Capital Project (SNHCP) – BAXNAANO builds a bridge beyond the humanitarian approach, addressing Somalia’s immediate food security and nutrition issues, while also laying the foundations for human capital investment over the longer-term by ensuring a shock Responsive Safety Net.
Program Objectives
Address chronic poverty and build resilience to shocks
Support Somalia’s gradual transition from protracted humanitarian response to state led adaptive social protection
Contribute to strengthening institutions and social contract
Our Achievements
Program Windows
Baxnaano operates through distinct program windows tailored to meet Somalia's diverse social protection needs. These windows address immediate financial assistance, emergency shock responses, and long-term economic inclusion initiatives. By combining regular support, adaptive safety nets, and job creation, Baxnaano strives to alleviate poverty, build resilience, and foster sustainable livelihoods for vulnerable communities.
Baxnaano Regular
Benefits: $20 Unconditional Cash Transfer (UCT) per household per month for three years.
Future Goals: Introduce interventions for human capital accumulation.
Baxnaano Shock Response
Scope: Vertical and horizontal program expansion.
Benefits: $60 Emergency Cash Transfer (ECT) per household per month for six months.
Baxnaano Jobs
Focuses on economic inclusion for youth and women through targeted Job Creation initiatives.
Explore Baxnano's Impact
Discover how we're making a difference for vulnerable families across Somia.
Baxnaano 5 Year Plan
The goal is to address chronic poverty and build resilience to shocks in Somalia, shifting from a humanitarian response model to a sustainable, state-led social protection system.
- Establish a government-led, managed, and implemented social protection platform with nationwide outreach.
- Invest in the poorest mothers, children, youth, and women to connect them with human capital and labor market opportunities.
- Build efficient and transparent shock response mechanisms.